
My name is Thanseem and I am 17 years old. This website is a platform for me to showcase my interests and achievements. You can also get to know more about me through this website.
I was from St Margaret's Secondary School and got into the Poly Foundation Programme through N levels. I studied the Poly Foundation Programme at Singapore Polytechnic for one year.
I am currently studying at Singapore Polytechnic for the dimploma Infocomm Security Management under the School of Digital Media and Infocomm Technology. It is an enthralling course that will educate you about cyber secrity and more about the world of technology. Although i am a year 1 student, i already know well about the school as i spent a year studying the Poly Foundation Programme at Singapore Polytechnic. This means that i am already in Singapore Polytechnic for about 2 years. Singapore Polytechnic has conducive environments for studying. It also have plenty of foodcourts which makes it easier for me to get food at any time.
I will be telling more about myself in this website annd i hope that you will get to know me better.